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Eligibility and enrollment
You must use BENEFEDS to enroll or change enrollment in the Humana Dental Federal High PPO and Humana Federal Advantage EPO Plan. BENEFEDS is a secure enrollment website sponsored by OPM. To enroll simply enter your name, personal information such as your address and Social Security number, the agency you work for (or retirement system that pays your annuity) and select either the Humana Dental Federal High PPO Plan or Humana Dental Federal Advantage EPO Plan. If you do not have access to a computer, call 877-888-FEDS (877-888-3337), TTY: 877-889-5680, to enroll or change your enrollment.
Note: You cannot enroll in a FEDVIP plan using the Health Benefits Election Form (SF 2809), or through an agency self-service system, such as Employee Express, PostalEase, EBIS, MyPay or Employee Personal Page. However, those sites may provide a link to BENEFEDS.
To find out if you’re eligible, or to enroll in FEDVIP outside of Open Season, visit