Humana’s Special Discounts Program is designed to help you achieve lifelong well-being with valuable discounts and exclusive deals on popular health and wellness services. As a Humana member, you have access to this valuable program (program eligibility varies based on your service area). For any non-vision discounts in the program, members in New Mexico and Vermont are not eligible. This program is subject to change at any time and not available where prohibited by law.
To access Humana’s Special Discounts Program, sign in to
The benefits on this page are not part of the FEDVIP contract or premium, and you cannot file a FEDVIP disputed claim about them. Fees you pay for these services do not count toward FEDVIP deductibles or annual maximums. These programs and materials are the responsibility of Humana Dental, and all appeals must follow their guidelines. For additional information contact us at 877-692-2468.