Grandparents with grandbaby

  • Coverage and communications

    Details of your healthcare plan are right at your fingertips. View these documents to learn about your Medicare Advantage coverage.


    Learn about your coverage

  • Member forms

    Quickly access the forms you need most often, including missing address forms and drug and coverage claim forms.


    Access forms

  • Extra benefits and services

    Take advantage of the no-cost benefits and services available to you, including the wellness program Go365®, the SilverSneakers® program and the Humana Well Dine® meal program.


    Learn about extra benefits and services

  • Tools and resources

    Take advantage of the tools and resources available to you to focus on your needs, including prescription tools and a comprehensive drug guide.


    Explore tools and resources

  • Medication Therapy Management

    As part of your Medicare Part D coverage with Humana, you may be eligible to set up a one-on-one review of your medications with a pharmacist or other healthcare provider trained in medication therapy management (MTM). This review is called a comprehensive medication review (CMR) and is offered at no extra cost to members meeting eligibility requirements for this program. 


    For more information, please review the Medication Therapy Management flyer PDF opens in new window.  

  • Medication Adherence

    Taking your medicine every time as prescribed by your doctor can help you manage your conditions and reduce the risk of complications. Forgetting to take your medicine or skipping doses for conditions such as high blood pressure or heart disease may lead to unwanted results. For example, missing doses may increase your risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney failure or other health problems.  


    For information and helpful tips, review Why you should take your medicine PDF opens in new window

Learn more

Contact us

Our team is standing by to answer your questions and provide the information you need. You can find specific contact information about your plan and your programs here.

You can reach PEIA Humana Customer Care at 800-783-4599 (TTY: 711), Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Eastern time.

Visit West Virginia PEIA Website